島根大学教育学部紀要. 教育科学

Current Issue
Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University. Educational science
.Volume 3
Information-Processing Education at a Teachers College
Nosaka Yazo Hayashi Ryuichi
PP. 1 - 16
An Oscilloscope with TV-Cathod Ray Tube
Fukuma Akira - Furukawa Akinobu
PP. 17 - 28
Illustrated Study on Devision of Labor
Okada Saburo
PP. 29 - 39
A Survey of Consciousness on Pre-School Education in Oda
Nakayama Ikuko
PP. 40 - 51
Generative Practice in Teaching English
Oue Hirochika
PP. 52 - 63
A Study on Teaching Learning Process Analysis in a Class of Two Grades(I)
Hibi Yutaka
PP. 64 - 83
The Merit of Model and its Use in Science Education
Itoh Yoshiki
PP. 84 - 95
The Relationship Between Test Anxiety, General Anxiety, Intelligence and Academic Performance in Pupil
Ueda Junichi
PP. 96 - 102