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山陰研究 15
2022-12-31 発行


Formation of historical accounts of the incident involving Takuma Hachidayu from Tottori Domain
On July 29, 1671 (in the 11th year of the Kambun Era), an attendant of Takuma Hachidayu, a samurai from Tottori Domain, was cut down by the Hatamoto (a direct retainer of the shogun) Nonoyama Sehee while Takuma was stationed in Edo. Takuma tried to inquire into his motives, but Nonoyama fl ed. Because of the involvement of a Hatamoto, relations between Tottori Domain and the Shogunate became tense; however, Nonoyama eventually accepted responsibility for the incident and committed suicide, while Takuma was acquitted of all charges.
The incident generated speculation within and around the domain for years and was even documented by some scholars. While some of these historical accounts may have included some fi ctional elements, they were clearly inspired by real-life events.