島根大学教育学部紀要. 教育科学

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島根大学教育学部紀要. 教育科学 17
1983-12-25 発行


On the Mutual Relation between Approprite Exercises in the Subject Matter of Physical Education and Cognitive Development in Mentally Retarded Children
西 信高
原 宏
The word "Attltude" is found many times in the account of physical education in the present Course of Study for special schools. This fact is caused by the theory on which special education is based. The theory is pragmatism.
We think that developmental and systematic instruction should be provided by interlinking the programme of each exercises in physical education.
As approaching such a problem, it is necessary to consider the mutual relation between cognitive development of children and their exercising ability. We presept a practical example of a special school for mentally retarded in Shimane prefecture and some fundamental meanings of physical education in this thesis.