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島根大学農学部研究報告 4
1970-12-15 発行

アテ択伐林に関する研究(3) : マアテ択伐林の現存量

Studies on the Selection Forest of Ate(Thujopsis dolabrata SIEB. Et Zucc. Var. hondai MAKINO)(3) : Biomass of Maate (a c. v. of Ate) Selection Forest
安井 鈞
成田 恒美
The production structure of 6 plots of MAATE selection forest was investigated from 1967 to 1969.
1. Dry weight of stem, of branch and of foliage has a correlation to its trunk size given by D^2H.
2. Dry weight of growing stock, of branch and of foliage per ha varied 66.3-154.5, 12.5-27.8, 11.8-24.9 ton respectively.
3. Ratio between the weight of foliage(ton) and stem volume increment(m^3) in each plot ranged from 0.52-1.15, and same ratio of felled trees for mensuration in each plot decreased from 0.86-1.05 to 0.52-0.89 as the upper storied crown to the under stroried one.