

result 10531 件

Author Yorinaga, Yutaka/ Kumasaka, Takashi/ Yamamoto, Masaki/ Hamada, Kensaku/ Kawamukai, Makoto/
Journal Title FEBS Letters
Volume 591
Issue 3
Published Date 2017-1-13
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF
Author Moriyama, Daisuke/ Kaino, Tomohiro/ Yajima, Kazuyoshi/ Yanai, Ryota/ Ikenaka, Yasuhiro/ Hasegawa, Junzo/ Washida, Motohisa/ Nanba, Hirokazu/ Kawamukai, Makoto/
Journal Title Applied genetics and molecular biotechnology
Volume 101
Issue 4
Published Date 2016-11-11
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF
Author Tanae, Katsuhiro/ Horiuchi, Tomitaka/ Yamakawa, Takuya/ Matsuo, Yuzy/ Kawamukai, Makoto/
Journal Title FEBS Letters
Volume 586
Issue 23
Published Date 2012-11-30
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF
Author Matsuo, Yuzy/ Kishimoto, Hayafumi/ Tanae, Katsuhiro/ Kitamura, Kenji/ Katayama, Satoshi/ Kawamukai, Makoto/
Volume 286
Issue 15
Published Date 2011-4-15
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF
Author Tie-Zhong Cui/ Tomohiro Kaino/ Kawamukai, Makoto/
Journal Title FEBS Letters
Volume 584
Issue 4
Published Date 2010-2-19
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF
Author Swapan Kumar Paul/ Oowatari, Yasuo/ Kawamukai, Makoto/
Journal Title The FEBS journal
Volume 276
Issue 18
Published Date 2009-8-27
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF
Author Tie‐Zhong Cui/ Kawamukai, Makoto/
Journal Title The FEBS Journal
Volume 276
Issue 3
Published Date 2009-1-14
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF
Author Moriyama, Daisuke/ Hosono, Kouji/ Fujii, Makoto/ Washida, Motohisa/ Nanba, Hirokazu/ Kaino, Tomohiro/ Kawamukai, Makoto/
Journal Title Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry
Volume 79
Issue 796
Published Date 2015-2-3
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF
Author Yamamoto, Takaharu/ Kobayashi, Yasuyo/ Guo-Lei Zhou/ Kawamukai, Makoto/
Journal Title FEMS yeast research
Volume 15
Issue 8
Published Date 2015-11-04
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF
Author Sakai, Takuya/ Watanabe , Mirai/ Ohkado, Ryoma/ Arakawa, Yukihiro/ Imada, Yasushi/ Iida, Hiroki/
Journal Title ChemSusChem
Volume 12
Issue 8
Published Date 2019-2-25
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF
Author Iida, Hiroki/ Demizu, Ryuta/ Ohkado, Ryoma/
Journal Title The Journal of Organic Chemistry
Volume 83
Issue 19
Published Date 2018-10-1
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF
Author Ohkado, Ryoma/ Ishikawa, Tatsuro/ Iida, Hiroki/
Journal Title Green Chemistry
Volume 20
Published Date 2018-2-5
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF
Attribute LETTER
Author Ishikawa, Tatsuro/ Kimura, Maasa/ Kumoi, Takuma/ Iida, Hiroki/
Journal Title ACS Catalysis
Volume 7
Issue 8
Published Date 2017-6-29
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF
Attribute 論文
Journal Title IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems (Japanese Edition)
Volume J96-D
Issue 3
Published Date 2013-3-1
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF
Attribute Research Note(printed lengthwise)
Author Sasaki, Megumi/ OSAWA, Masaaki/ ISHIKAWA, Shigeo/ TODA, Yuji/ OSAWA, Yoshiyuki/ KOJIMA, Hiroyuki/
Journal Title Memoirs of Faculty of Law and Literature, Shimane University
Volume 16
Published Date 2020-02-28
DOI(SelfDOI) 10.24568/49002
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
Attribute Research Note
Author MIYAZAWA, Rie/
Journal Title Memoirs of Faculty of Law and Literature, Shimane University
Volume 16
Published Date 2020-02-28
DOI(SelfDOI) 10.24568/49001
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
Attribute Research Note
Author 洪 秀賢/
Journal Title Memoirs of Faculty of Law and Literature, Shimane University
Volume 16
Published Date 2020-02-28
DOI(SelfDOI) 10.24568/49000
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
Attribute Articles
Author Miyamoto, Kyoko/
Journal Title Memoirs of Faculty of Law and Literature, Shimane University
Volume 16
Published Date 2020-02-28
DOI(SelfDOI) 10.24568/48999
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
Attribute Articles
Author Murase, Toshiki/ 落合 陽大/
Journal Title Memoirs of Faculty of Law and Literature, Shimane University
Volume 16
Published Date 2020-02-28
DOI(SelfDOI) 10.24568/48998
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
Attribute Articles
Author Fukino, Takashi/ Kataoka, Yoshimi/
Journal Title Memoirs of Faculty of Law and Literature, Shimane University
Volume 16
Published Date 2020-02-28
DOI(SelfDOI) 10.24568/48997
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF