

result 14772 件

Author Matsumoto, Kohei/
Journal Title 島大法学
Volume 54
Issue 1/2
Published Date 2010-12
DOI(SelfDOI) 10.24568/7109
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
Attribute Research Note
Author Ijuin, Takayuki/
Journal Title Studies in language and culture : memoirs of the Faculty of Law and Literature
Volume 30
Published Date 2011-03-19
DOI(SelfDOI) 10.24568/7108
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
Attribute Research Note
Author Nishino, Yoshiaki/
Journal Title Studies in language and culture : memoirs of the Faculty of Law and Literature
Volume 30
Published Date 2011-03-19
DOI(SelfDOI) 10.24568/7107
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
Attribute Translation
Author Tsuyu, Kazuhiko/
Journal Title Studies in language and culture : memoirs of the Faculty of Law and Literature
Volume 30
Published Date 2011-03-19
DOI(SelfDOI) 10.24568/7106
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
Attribute Article
Author Menking, Scott R./
Journal Title Studies in language and culture : memoirs of the Faculty of Law and Literature
Volume 30
Published Date 2011-03-19
DOI(SelfDOI) 10.24568/7105
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
Attribute Article
Author Naito, Tadakazu/
Journal Title Studies in language and culture : memoirs of the Faculty of Law and Literature
Volume 30
Published Date 2011-03-19
DOI(SelfDOI) 10.24568/7104
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
Attribute Article
Author Tosaki, Tetsuhiko/
Journal Title Studies in language and culture : memoirs of the Faculty of Law and Literature
Volume 30
Published Date 2011-03-19
DOI(SelfDOI) 10.24568/7103
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
Attribute Material (printed lengthwise)
Author Yogi, Junichi/
Journal Title Studies in language and culture : memoirs of the Faculty of Law and Literature
Volume 30
Published Date 2011-03-19
DOI(SelfDOI) 10.24568/7102
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
Attribute Documents
Author Research Project on Works of Fukuoka Tsukinori/ Takenaga, Mitsuo/ Ooguni, Yumiko/ Kobayashi, Naoko/ Numoto, Ryu/ Motoi, Yutaro/
Journal Title 山陰研究
Volume 3
Published Date 2010-12-31
DOI(SelfDOI) 10.24568/7101
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
Attribute Documents
Author Yamazaki, Makoto/
Journal Title 山陰研究
Volume 3
Published Date 2010-12-31
DOI(SelfDOI) 10.24568/7100
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
Attribute Documents
Author Yogi, Junichi/
Journal Title 山陰研究
Volume 3
Published Date 2010-12-31
DOI(SelfDOI) 10.24568/7099
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
Attribute Documents
Author Ashida, Kouichi/
Journal Title 山陰研究
Volume 3
Published Date 2010-12-31
DOI(SelfDOI) 10.24568/7098
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
Attribute Documents
Author Yamasaki, Masakatsu/
Journal Title 山陰研究
Volume 3
Published Date 2010-12-31
DOI(SelfDOI) 10.24568/7097
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
Attribute Documents
Author Tanaka, Norio/
Journal Title 山陰研究
Volume 3
Published Date 2010-12-31
DOI(SelfDOI) 10.24568/7096
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
Attribute Note
Author Numoto, Ryu/
Journal Title 山陰研究
Volume 3
Published Date 2010-12-31
DOI(SelfDOI) 10.24568/7095
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
Attribute Note
Author Sekine, Shunichi/
Journal Title 山陰研究
Volume 3
Published Date 2010-12-31
DOI(SelfDOI) 10.24568/7094
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
Attribute Articles
Author Hara, Toyoji/
Journal Title 山陰研究
Volume 3
Published Date 2010-12-31
DOI(SelfDOI) 10.24568/7093
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
Attribute Articles
Author Kitayama, Sachiko/ Hashimoto, Takahiko/ Uezono, Masatake/ Seki, Kohei/
Journal Title 山陰研究
Volume 3
Published Date 2010-12-31
DOI(SelfDOI) 10.24568/7092
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
Attribute Articles
Author Hirosima, Kiyosi/
Journal Title 山陰研究
Volume 3
Published Date 2010-12-31
DOI(SelfDOI) 10.24568/7091
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
Attribute original article
Author Nagai, Hidemasa/ Takada, Daikei/ Akiyama, Yasuhiko/ Moritake, Kouzo/
Journal Title Shimane journal of medical science
Volume 27
Published Date 2010-12-01
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF