

result 14419 件

Author Sawa, Yoshihiro/
Journal Title 島根大学生物資源科学部研究報告
Volume 21
Published Date 2016-09-30
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
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Author Suzuki, Mitsugu/ Jitsunari, Reiko/ Yuki, Nakamura/
Journal Title 2015 IEEE 4th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE)
Published Date 2016-10
NII Type Conference Paper
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Author Kobayashi, Junji/
Journal Title 書物・出版と社会変容
Volume 9
Published Date 2010-09-01
NII Type Journal Article
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Author Ozaki, Taro/ Kurokawa, Yukari/ Hayashi, Shohei/ Oku, Naoya/ Asamizu, Shumpei/ Igarashi, Yasuhiro/ Onaka, Hiroyasu/
Journal Title Chembiochem : a European journal of chemical biology
Volume 17
Issue 3
Published Date 2016-01-08
NII Type Journal Article
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Author Hayashi, Shohei/ Itoh, Kazuhito/ Suyama, Kousuke/
Journal Title Microbial Ecology
Volume 70
Issue 3
Published Date 2015-04-15
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF
Author Hayashi, Shohei/ Ozaki, Taro/ Asamizu, Shumpei/ Ikeda, Haruo/ Omura, Satoshi/ Oku, Naoya/ Igarashi, Yasuhiro/ Tomoda, Hiroshi/ Onaka, Hiroyasu/
Journal Title Chemistry & biology
Volume 21
Issue 5
Published Date 2014-05-22
NII Type Journal Article
Author Hayashi, Shohei/ Jang, Ji Eun/ Ito, Kazuhito/ Suyama, Kousuke/ Yamamoto, Hiroki/
Journal Title Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
Volume 60
Issue 1
Published Date 2011-01
NII Type Journal Article
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Author Fukui, Eijiro/
Journal Title 国立民族学博物館研究報告
Volume 32
Issue 4
Published Date 2008-03-31
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
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Author Fukuda, Akimichi/
Journal Title 教科教育研究論集
Volume 4
Published Date 1990-03-01
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
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Author Fukuda, Akimichi/
Journal Title 島大国文
Volume 34
Published Date 2014-01
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
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Author Kobayashi, Junji/
Journal Title 松江市歴史叢書
Volume 4
Published Date 2011-03-25
NII Type Book
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Author Kawase, Masaya/
Journal Title Revue internationale Michel Henry
Volume 6
Published Date 2015
NII Type Journal Article
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Author Yamazaki, Makoto/
Journal Title 田部家のたたら研究と文書目録 : 田部家文書調査報告書
Published Date 2012-03
NII Type Research Paper
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Author Kobayashi, Junji/
Journal Title 歴史評論
Volume 743
Published Date 2012-03-01
NII Type Journal Article
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Author Morooka, Ryosuke/
Journal Title 宗教研究
Volume 85
Issue 3
Published Date 2011-12-30
NII Type Journal Article
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Author Hayashi, Shohei/ Sano, Tomoki/ Suyama, Kousuke/ Ito, Kazuhito/
Journal Title Microbiological Research
Volume 188
Published Date 2016-07
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF
Author Onaka, Hiroyasu/ Ozaki, Taro/ Mori, Yukiko/ Izawa, Masumi/ Hayashi, Shohei/ Asamizu, Shumpei/
Journal Title The Journal of Antibiotics
Volume 68
Published Date 2015-09
NII Type Journal Article
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Author Takeda, Kenji/
Journal Title 懐徳堂センター報
Volume 2005
Published Date 2005-02-28
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
Author Deguchi, Akira/
Journal Title 歴博
Volume 133
Published Date 2005-11-20
NII Type Article
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Author Hayashi, Shohei/ Ito, Kazuhito/ Suyama, Kousuke/
Journal Title Journal of Pesticide Science
Volume 36
Issue 2
Published Date 2011
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF