

result 14419 件

Author TANAKA, Hideya/ NISHIKORI, Toshiyuki/ JOUDAI, Yuichi/ IIJIMA, Hitoshi/ Nagaoka, Misa/ Hara, Taketaka/
Journal Title Bulletin on Center for Research on School Education and Counseling, Shimane University
Volume 22
Published Date 2023-10
DOI(SelfDOI) 10.24568/54997
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
Journal Title Bulletin on Center for Research on School Education and Counseling, Shimane University
Volume 22
Published Date 2023-10
NII Type Others
Format PDF
Attribute Special Issue Recent Researches on Connection and Bracing in Steel Structures
Author SAWADA, Kiichiro/ Kajitani, Keigo/ Uno, Tatsuya/ Teramoto, Junpei/ Komatsu, Shingo/
Journal Title Buildings
Volume 12
Issue 9
Published Date 2022-08-29
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF
Author SAWADA, Kiichiro/
Journal Title Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures
Volume 64
Issue 3
Published Date 2023-09-01
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF
Attribute Original
Author Kawakami, Kohei/ MATSUO, Hiroyuki/ Yamada, Takaya/ MATSUMOTO, Kenichi/ Sasaki, Daigoro/ Nomura, Masato/
Journal Title Experimental Animals
Volume 71
Issue 3
Published Date 2022
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF
Attribute Original
Author Kawakami, Kohei/ MATSUO, Hiroyuki/ KAJITANI, Naoyo/ Yamada, Takaya/ MATSUMOTO, Kenichi/
Journal Title Experimental Animals
Volume 71
Issue 2
Published Date 2022
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF
File 島根大学審査学位論文(k794)/ 島根大学審査学位論文抄録(k794)/ 島根大学審査学位論文結果(k794)/
Author SAWADA, Kiyoka/
NII Type Thesis or Dissertation
Diploma Number 甲第794号
Granted Date 2023-09-06
Degree Name 博士(医学)
Granted Year 2023

This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0

File 島根大学審査学位論文(k793)/ 島根大学審査学位論文抄録(k793)/ 島根大学審査学位論文結果(k793)/
Author UCHIDA, Yuki/
NII Type Thesis or Dissertation
Diploma Number 甲第793号
Granted Date 2023-09-06
Degree Name 博士(医学)
Granted Year 2023

This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0

File 島根大学審査学位論文(k792)/ 島根大学審査学位論文抄録(k792)/ 島根大学審査学位論文結果(k792)/
Author NAGASE, Mamiko/
NII Type Thesis or Dissertation
Diploma Number 甲第792号
Granted Date 2023-07-05
Degree Name 博士(医学)
Granted Year 2023

This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

File 島根大学審査学位論文(k791)/ 島根大学審査学位論文抄録(k791)/ 島根大学審査学位論文結果(k791)/
NII Type Thesis or Dissertation
Diploma Number 甲第791号
Granted Date 2023-06-29
Degree Name 博士(医学)
Granted Year 2023

This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0

File 島根大学審査学位論文(k790)/ 島根大学審査学位論文抄録(k790)/ 島根大学審査学位論文結果(k790)/
Author PANG, BO/
NII Type Thesis or Dissertation
Diploma Number 甲第790号
Granted Date 2023-06-29
Degree Name 博士(医学)
Granted Year 2023

This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0

File 島根大学審査学位論文(k789)/ 島根大学審査学位論文抄録(k789)/ 島根大学審査学位論文結果(k789)/
Author Shirakami, Tomoki/
NII Type Thesis or Dissertation
Diploma Number 甲第789号
Granted Date 2023-06-29
Degree Name 博士(医学)
Granted Year 2023

This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0

Author Morooka, Ryosuke/
Journal Title 田部家のたたら研究と文書目録 : 田部家文書調査報告書 上
Published Date 2012-03
NII Type Research Paper
Format PDF
Author MAEDA, Shiho/
Journal Title 科研費報告書「社会主義の文化的景観:DPRK、ソ連、中国」
Published Date 2023-03
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF
Attribute Original article
Author Maniwa, Sokichi/ FUKUHARA, Sho/ HARA, Yuki / MAGUCHI, Taiko/ CHI, Yongi/ KISHI, Sakiko/ HAMASAKI, Yoshifumi/ HAMASAKI, Mayu/ ISHIKURA, Kasumi/ TAKAMI, Yuu/ TADENUMA, Taku/ Sakai, Yasuo/
Journal Title Shimane Journal of Medical Science
Volume 39
Issue 4
Published Date 2022-12
DOI 10.51010/sjms.39.4_145
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
rights(link) Creative Commons License
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Attribute Original article
Author EDA, Hirotake/ KIMURA, Yoriyoshi/ YAMAMOTO, Kazuhiro/ YOSHIDA, Kotaro/ KAMBARA, Mizuki/ Akiyama, Yasuhiko/
Journal Title Shimane Journal of Medical Science
Volume 39
Issue 4
Published Date 2022-12
DOI 10.51010/sjms.39.4_135
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
rights(link) Creative Commons License
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Attribute Original article
Author JAHAN, Israt/ OKAMOTO, Takayuki/ Usuda, Haruki/ Tanaka, Tetsuya/ Nibayashi, Tomomi/ NAKAJIMA, Atsushi/ Wada, Koichiro/
Journal Title Shimane Journal of Medical Science
Volume 39
Issue 4
Published Date 2022-12
DOI 10.51010/sjms.39.4_123
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
rights(link) Creative Commons License
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Attribute Original article
Author KAMBARA, Mizuki/ SHIBATA, Yohei/ UCHIMURA, Masahiro/ NAKAGAWA, Fumio/ YOSHIKANE, Tsutomu/ Nagai, Hidemasa/ Akiyama, Yasuhiko/
Journal Title Shimane Journal of Medical Science
Volume 39
Issue 4
Published Date 2022-12
DOI 10.51010/sjms.39.4_113
NII Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Format PDF
rights(link) Creative Commons License
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Journal Title Shimane Journal of Medical Science
Volume 39
Issue 4
Published Date 2022-12
NII Type Others
Format PDF
rights(link) Creative Commons License
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Author Iwamoto, Takashi/
Journal Title 器物の「伝世・長期保有」「復古再生」の実証的研究と倭における王権の形成・維持
Published Date 2023-06-02
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF