number of downloads : 58

Open Date : 2019-02-26
124 KB
KURATA, Hisayasu
YAMASAKI, Maretsugu
Discrete q-Green potentials related to the equation Δu􀀀qu = 0 on an in nite network were studied in [12] as a discrete analogue to [9]. We study some properties of q-Green potentials with nite q-Green energy. The q-Dirichlet energy plays an important role instead of the Dirichlet sum. Our aim is to show that results obtained in [7] in case q = 0 hold similarly even in case q  0. We show that every q-Dirichlet potential can be expressed as a difference of two q-Green potentials with nite q-Green energy.
Journal information
Memoirs of the Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Shimane University. Series B, Mathematics 51 , 7 - 21 , 2018-03