Memoirs of the Graduate School of Science and Engineering Shimane University. Series A

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Memoirs of the Graduate School of Science and Engineering Shimane University. Series A 35
2001-12-24 発行


Similarity of Music Scores using String Pattern Matching Techniques
Ieyama, Satoshi
Hamada, Kensaku
This paper studies smilarity between music scores using string pattern matching algorithms. The music score was converted into string of alphanumerical character. Of two strings(P and T), P was sequentially divided into fragment (P'). Matching between P' and T was calculated using nave-pattern, Knuth-Moris-Pratt and Boyer-Moore algorithms, respectively. Matching score which presented a degree of the matching between strings P and T was defined in this paper. It was found that the similarity of music scores was detectable using the fragment which consisted of five characters.
