Memoirs of the Graduate School of Science and Engineering Shimane University. Series A

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Memoirs of the Graduate School of Science and Engineering Shimane University. Series A 35
2001-12-24 発行


A System for Showing Inner Structures and Model Behaviors in IT Devices
Satou, Tadamasa
Shirahase, Masaya
Tanaka, Hiroyuki
It is the social request to enrich the education for Information Technology(IT). As an education course for it, it is commonly gone into training for how to use word processors and/or Internet related software packages.
Orthodox education course, however, should be conducted even for IT, which would be based on principles as common in other subjects.
 In IT area PC machines can be major that could be placed on the basis of IT. A system has been developed to show principles of PC machines for the education, by drawing internal structures hierarchically and animating model behaviors of each unit device in each hierarchical level.
