Bulletin of Shimane Medical University

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Bulletin of Shimane Medical University 16
1993-12-01 発行


Resonance Raman Spectra from Intact Plant Tissues by Micro Raman Scattering
Taguchi, Isao
Micro Raman scattering has been performed with high resolution (&#12316;3cm^<-1>) on intact plant tissues such as spinach, mandarin orange and apple. The incident light beam of 488.0 nm from an argon-ion laser is focused into a spot with the size of 1&#12316;5 μm on the live samples. The obtained Raman spectra are of high quality and contain several resonance-enhanced peaks caused by lattice vibrations of β-carotene in the frequency range of 700&#12316;1800 cm^<-1>. The observed peak frequencies are found to be independent of the tissues within the experimental resolution. These experiments with high resolution demonstrate that it is possible to make a quantitative comparison of micro Raman spectra among various points in a tissue or between different tissues.