Faculty of Education, Shimane University
Memoirs of the Faculty of Education. Literature and Social science

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Memoirs of the Faculty of Education. Literature and Social science 17
1983-12-25 発行


A Grammar of Epithets
Yamada, Masayoshi
いわゆる四文字語(four-letter words)の意味用法について明確に記述されるようになったのは最近のことで,OED Supplement(1972)がこの範疇に入る語を収録したことからそのタブーが解かれ,一般辞書が収録するようになった。同辞書の編集主幹 R.W.Burchfield はこの間の事情を次のように述べている:
In 1957, when I undertook the preparation of the new Supplement to t'e Oxford English Dictionary, my own view and that of most of those whom I consulted, including Dr C.T.Onions, was that the time had not yet come for the inclusion of the taboo-words cunt and fuck in general dictionaries of English....
The outcome of all this is that these two ancient words, "once considered too gross and vulgar to be given countenance in the decent environment of a dictionary, now appear with full supporting evidence along with a wide range of colloquial and coarse expressions referring to sexual and excretory functions" (Introduction to A
Supplement to the Oxford English Dictionary, Volume I, 1972).
 山田(1972:45-50)ではすでに fuck と fucking について考察しているが,本論では shit, shitting をも含めて,本来の性的/生理的機能に関する意味用法を越えた,ののしり語としての意味用法について明らかにしたい。