Memoirs of the Faculty of Education. Literature and Social science

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Memoirs of the Faculty of Education. Literature and Social science 17
1983-12-25 発行


The Children atteinding the special schools and the adaptive behavior scale (ABS)
Inanami, Masamitsu
Kusunoki, Hitoko
Ogura, Tamiko
The Adaptive Behavior Scale (ABS) was designed to evaluate adaptive behavior levels of mentally reatrded and other disabled individuals.
We used teacher judgements to assess adaptive behavior levels of the students in special schools.
The students of 115 mentally retarded, 20 visually disabled, 27 hearing impaired, and 67 crippled were used in this study. These subjects were classified into six groups based on their measured intelligence level.
The ABS consists of two parts ; Part One has ten domains related to personal independence in daily living, and Part Two consists of thirteen domains related to personality and behavior disorders.
In this study, we excluded Domestic Activity, Independent Functioning, Economic Activity, and Vocational Activity in Part One, for Domestic Activity is inappropriate for teacher judgements and the other three domains have different number of items between the Child form (under 12 years) and the Youth and Adult form (over 13 years). Therefore, we analysed six domains in Part One (Physical Development, Language Development, Numbers and Time, Self-Direction, Responsibility, Socialization), and all thirteen domains in Part Two (Violent & Destructive Behavior, Antisocial Behavior, Rebellious Behavior, Untrustworthy Behavior, Withdrawal, Stereotyped Behavior and Odd Mannerisms, Inappropriate Interpersonal Manners Unacceptable or Eccentric Habits, Self-Abusive Behavior, Hyperactive Tendencies, Sexually Aberrrant Behavior, Psychological Disturbances, Use of Medication). The results were as follows.