Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University. Educational science

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Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University. Educational science 29
1995-12 発行

障害児教育に関する日中比較研究(1) : 知的障害の位置と障害児教育

A Comparative Study of Special Education between China and Japan(1) : The Social Status of Intellectual Disability and Special Education
Nishi, Nobutaka
Qiu, Yu Jing
This Paper outlines the education of children with an intellectual disability in the People's Republic of China refering to Ashman A.F., one of Western serchers.
His framework is such as;
The Status of Intellectual Disability
Children with an intellectual disability in schools
Special Schools and Programmes
The education of children with a severe intellectual disability
We Japanese will have to learn so much from Chinese Special educational System. Following items are interesting; developing the students' sense of serving the society, production work, academic achievement and so on.