Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University. Educational science

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Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University. Educational science 23 1
1989-07-25 発行


Grammar-Teaching Games
Moriyama, Yoshimi
Language teaching methods which emphasize aspects of meaning and transmitting information are now in vogue. Communicative Language Teaching, for example, uses games, role plays, simulations, etc. as its teaching techniques. Among those, games have been widely used for a long period of time and are still very popular. Games are rather easy to do in the classroom and besides that, they are enjoyable and exciting. We find many language games in books and periodicals, which are often classified and arranged according to four skills and oral or written skills. Recently a new light has been cast on games from a standpoint of grammar teaching. In this article, firstly, features of games for language teaching and their effectiveness will be clarified and then games for teaching grammatical points will be discussed.