Bulletin of the Faculty of Life and Environmental Science Shimane University

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Bulletin of the Faculty of Life and Environmental Science Shimane University 1
1996-12-20 発行


Runoff Analysis by the Long and Short Terms Runoff Model considered the Ratio of Impermeable Area
Fukushima, Akira
Mori, Yasushi
This report describes the application of the long and short terms runoff model(LST-II), which is developed by Kadoya and Nagai(1988)for analyzing both flood and long term runoff successively, to consider the effects of the land use form in the runoff process. The three type models are considered to introduce the the effects of non-uniformmity in the infiltration phenomina at top layer zone of slope system. The first attempt is discussed by runoff model I,II, in which infiltration capasity at the ground surface is limitted to a constant value or a same form of Horton curve induced by the change of subsurface condition. The third type of the modified LST-II model, runoff model III, is proposed to express the effects of distribution of permeable area and impermeable one in the basin. The impermeable area is developed by urbanization in a residental district and integrated rural improvement. In the runoff model III, the upper zone of first tank is divided two parts by the ratio of permeable area and impermeable one in the basin. The left part expresses the impermeabl field to occure surface runnoff easily. And the right one assigns the permeable field to arise both of surface runnoff and subsurface one.
These three runoff model is adapted to the experimental basin at land reclamation area in Masuda City. The runoff model I, II results almostly the same reproducibility of the observed hydrograph comparing the LST-II model. While, it is shown that the analysis by runoff model III improves the reproducibility of the peak discharge in observed hydrograph about 9% than the LST-II model.
