Bulletin of the Faculty of Life and Environmental Science Shimane University

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Bulletin of the Faculty of Life and Environmental Science Shimane University 1
1996-12-20 発行

Disinfection of Escherichia coli by Using H^+ and OH^- Form Ion-exchange Resins(Part 2)

Akiba, Michihiro
The effectiveness of various porous ion-exchange resins in H^+ and OH^+forms on the disinfection of Escherichia coli (Ecoli K-12)has been probed. Water suspensions of up to 10^8 E.coli cells/<cm>___3 were passed through a glass column packed with various ion-exchange resins(0.5~2.0g). The killing effectiveness of the column was determined by using plate counts. Quanternary ammonium strong based anion-exchange resin in OH^-form(IRA-938), which has enough macropores to encapsulate E.coli cells, was effective to the devitalization of E. coli. The mixed bed of OH^- resins and a sulfonic acid H^+ form cationexchange resin(TAS3-3), which was noneffective by itself, was found to have remarkable germicidal efficiency by a synergistic effect of OH^- and H^+ ions on the resins. The mixed bed of the two resins has the feasibility of anew and handy "disinfectant" for water treatment.