ハンディキャップをもった子どもの身体イメージの特性 : 肢体不自由児,病弱児,聴覚障害児の人物画と樹木画を通して

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b002001300k003.pdf 5 MB エンバーゴ : 2001-10-08
ハンディキャップをもった子どもの身体イメージの特性 : 肢体不自由児,病弱児,聴覚障害児の人物画と樹木画を通して
Some Traits of the Body Image in Handicapped Children : By Human Figure Drawings and Baumtest of Crippled, Ill and Deaf Children
Title Transcription
ハンディキャップ オ モッタ コドモ ノ シンタイ イメージ ノ トクセイ シタイ フジユウジ ビョウジャクジ チョウカク ショウガイジ ノ ジンブツガ ジュモクガ オ トオシテ
Ogura Tamiko
Ibara Chitose
Source Title
島根大学教育学部紀要. 人文・社会科学
Memoirs of the Faculty of Education. Literature and Social science
Volume 13
Start Page 21
End Page 41
Journal Identifire
ISSN 02872501
This study investigated the body image and the self image of crippled, ill and deaf children through Human Figure Drawings (HFD) and the Koch's Tree Drawing Test (Baumtest).
Each HFD was checked for the presence of the 30 emotional indicators by Koppitz, E. M.and 38 items by Machover, K.Each tree drawing was checked for the presence of the 37 developmental indicators and 81 items by Kuniyoshi, M.et al.
Chi squares were computed for each indicator and four groups (crippled, ill, deaf and normal group) were compared.
Crippled children significantly exceeded big figure and no feet in HFD, and a big trunk, the wide base at the trunk and the scar on the surface of the trunk in Baumtest. It appears that they expressed their feeling body image, anxiety and the desire for stability and security.
Ill children significatly exceeded the placement left on the page, midline emphasis and slanting flgure in HFD, and the tree placed left, a cut end, the trunk opened at the upper end and the branches with the opened tip in Baumtest. It seems to reflect the traumatic experience, that is their disease, the fear of unsettled fate, anxiety, the passiveness the rigid inner control, and the concern about body and illness.
Deaf children significantly exceeded the emphasis upon buttons and pockets in HFD, and more than five branches the split base at the trunk, the falling and having fallen fruits and leaves in Baumtest. It appears to express the hearing loss, dependancy, the desire for communication, and their concrete thinking.
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
The Faculty of Education Shimane University
Date of Issued 1979-12-25
Access Rights open access
[NCID] AN00107952