ファイル情報(添付) | |
タイトル |
タイトル |
Straigraphic Correlation by Depositional Cycles of Bedded Cherts, Southwest Japan
タイトル 読み |
ソウジョウ チャート ノ タイセキ リズム ニヨル チソウ ノ タイヒ
著者 |
道前 香緒里
収録物名 |
Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Shimane University
巻 | 27 |
開始ページ | 55 |
終了ページ | 64 |
収録物識別子 |
ISSN 03879925
内容記述 |
Upper Triassic bedded cherts are good example of recorded depositional cycles corresponding to the Milankovitch cycles, 100,000 years and 400,000 years, because radiolarian blooming was effected by nutrient supply in high-stand of sea level. Thus reading these cycles in bedded chert sequence by combination of thicker chert beds (activated radiolarian blooming and rapid deposition) and following thinner chert beds (weakened blooming) could be a new method for global correlation. This cycles clearly can be read in the Upper Triassic especially upper Carnian to lower Norian of relatively oceanic regression, while in the Middle Triassic, chert beds were deposited steady and evenly because of less effect of geologic cycles to radiolarian blooming at the time of relative transgression.
言語 |
資源タイプ | 紀要論文 |
出版者 |
The Faculty of Science, Shimane University
発行日 | 1993-12-25 |
アクセス権 | オープンアクセス |
関連情報 |
[NCID] AN00108106