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Title |
大腸菌L-form NC7の濁土変化と増殖に及ぼす浸透的安定剤の効果
Title |
Effects of osmotic stabilizers on turbidity changes and growth of Escherichia coli L-form NC7
Title Transcription |
ダイチョウキン L−FORM NC7 ノ ダクド ヘンカ ト ゾウショク ニ オヨボス シントウテキ アンテイザイ ノ コウカ
Creator |
Onoda Tetsuo
Source Title |
Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Shimane University
Volume | 22 |
Start Page | 93 |
End Page | 101 |
Journal Identifire |
ISSN 03879925
Descriptions |
The effects of osmotic stabilizers on swelling and growth of L-form NC7 derived from Escherichia coli K 12 were examined. The presence of impermeable solute , such as NaCl or KCl, in the suspended medium were effective as osmotic stabilizer, while permeable solute, such as glycerol were ineffective . On the other hand, when sucrose was used as osmotic stabilizer, in cells upshocked with 0.2 M sucrose, rapid decrease in optical density and then slow restoration were observed. In the upshocked cells, potassium ion had protective effect against changes of turbidity. From colony forming units at 1 hr after upshock, it was shown that there was no srgnificant different between cells upshocked with 0.2 M sucrose alone and with 0.2 M sucrose plus 0.34 M KCl. Low osmolarity (0.17 M) of cation, such as NaCl or KCl, was not sufficient to protect fragile L-form cells unless 0.2M sucrose was added in the incubation medium. In combination with NaCl and KCl at high concentration (0.4M), there are competition between Na and K ions on growth, suggesting that in the combination with calcium (1 mM), Na ion also play a important role on growth of L-form NC7 as well as K ion.
Language |
Resource Type | departmental bulletin paper |
Publisher |
The Faculty of Science, Shimane University
Date of Issued | 1988-12-25 |
Access Rights | open access |
Relation |
[NCID] AN00108106