Deconvolution of temperature dependence of conductivity, its reduced activation energy, and Hall-effect data for analysing impurity conduction in n-ZnSe

Philosophical Magazine Volume 100 Issue 15 Page 2018-2039 published_at 2020-04-23
アクセス数 : 992
ダウンロード数 : 84

今月のアクセス数 : 0
今月のダウンロード数 : 0
Deconvolution of temperature dependence of conductivity, its reduced activation energy, and Hall-effect data for analysing impurity conduction in n-ZnSe
Source Title
Philosophical Magazine
Volume 100
Issue 15
Start Page 2018
End Page 2039
Journal Identifire
ISSN 1478-6435
EISSN 1478-6443
The temperature dependence of the reduced activation energy w = ε/kBT of the conductivity σ has been utilised for determining the impurity conduction mechanism in doped semiconductors in many studies. Herein, the formula for deconvoluting w when plural conduction mechanisms appear is used to confirm the analysis of the data of the Hall-effect measurements on Al-doped n-ZnSe samples. The analysis is performed on the basis of an impurity-Hubbard-band model which includes ε2 conduction in the top Hubbard band as well as ε3 and Efros-Shklovskii (ES) variable-range hopping (VRH) conduction processes in the bottom Hubbard band. As the result of the analysis, transitions among the three hopping conduction mechanisms of ε2, ε3, and ES VRH are clearly shown in the temperature dependence of w as well as in that of the Hall mobility, which are hardly noticed in the temperature dependence of σ. In addition, the power-law exponent of the prefactor of ES VRH conductivity is determined through the fit to the temperature dependence of w to show that it decreases from ∼ 1.5 to ∼ 0 with increasing net donor concentration.
Hopping conduction ( Other)
Hall effect ( Other)
ZnSe ( Other)
Resource Type journal article
Taylor and Francis Ltd.
Date of Issued 2020-04-23
Publish Type Accepted Manuscript
Access Rights open access
[DOI] 10.1080/14786435.2020.1751325