
体育学研究 Volume 64 Issue 2 Page 573-585 published_at 2019-12-16
アクセス数 : 1150
ダウンロード数 : 118

今月のアクセス数 : 0
今月のダウンロード数 : 0
Relationships between performance and the run-up speed, phase distances and ratios in the female triple jump
Title Transcription
ジョシ サンダントビ ニ オケル ジョソウ スピード ト カクホ ノ チョウヤク キョリ オヨビ チョウヤクヒ ト パフォーマンス トノ カンケイ
Shibata Atsushi
Koyama Hiroyuki
Source Title
Taiikugaku kenkyu (Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences)
Volume 64
Issue 2
Start Page 573
End Page 585
Journal Identifire
ISSN 0484-6710
EISSN 1881-7718
The aim of this study was to clarify the relationships between performance in the female triple jump and the run-up speed, phase distances and ratios, in order to propose basic target values corresponding to performance level. The subjects were 100 female triple jumpers (official record: 15.20―11.23 m) who participated in the World Championships (WC) and competitions held in Japan. They were divided into 5 groups based on the effective jumping distance (15G: ≥ 15.00 m, 14G: 14.00―14.99 m, 13G: 13.00―13.99 m, 12G: 12.00―12.99 m, 11G: ≤ 11.99 m). The run-up speed and phase distances in the WC were collected with reference to previous reports of the WC trials, and those of the Japanese competitions trials were measured using a laser distance measurement device (LAVEG) and a high-speed camera. The result of correlation analysis revealed that significant positive correlations were found between performance and the maximal run-up speed (r=0.878) and phase distances (r=0.826―0.907). However, phase ratios were not correlated with performance (r=-0.110―0.082). Comparison of the 5 groups revealed that 15G, which represents world elite level, developed performance by significantly extending the jump distance, although the hop and step distances were not different from those of 14G. In 13G representing Japanese elite level, performance was developed by significantly extending the hop and step distances relative to 12G, and the step distance in 13G was as long as that in 14G. On the other hand, the hop and jump distances in 13G were not as long as those in 14G. These results suggest that the run-up speed and phase distances are important factors for development of performance, although the strategy for acquiring the jumping distance in each phase differs with performance level.
triple jump
female athlete
performance level
target value
Resource Type journal article
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
Date of Issued 2019-12-16
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
[DOI] 10.5432/jjpehss.19023
イッパン シャダン ホウジン ニホン タイイク ガッカイ