Sim3 Shares Some Common Roles With the Histone Chaperone Asf1 in Fission Yeast

FEBS Letters Volume 586 Issue 23 Page 4190-4196 published_at 2012-11-30
アクセス数 : 1017
ダウンロード数 : 27

今月のアクセス数 : 65
今月のダウンロード数 : 0
Sim3 Shares Some Common Roles With the Histone Chaperone Asf1 in Fission Yeast
Tanae Katsuhiro
Horiuchi Tomitaka
Yamakawa Takuya
Matsuo Yuzy
Source Title
FEBS Letters
Volume 586
Issue 23
Start Page 4190
End Page 4196
Journal Identifire
EISSN 1873-3468
An H3/H4 histone chaperone, Asf1, plays an essent ial role in maintaining genomic stabil i ty in many species, including f ission yeast . Here, we showed that overexpression of a CENP-A chaperone Sim3 suppres sed the temperature sensi t i ve phenotype of asf1-33 and asf1-30 mutants and the defect in chromat in st ructure, and prevented the accumulat ion of DNA damage in asf1-33 mutants at high temperatures. Fur thermore, asf1-33 and Δsim3 were synthet ic lethal . Consistent with this, shutdown of s im3 expression in asf1-33 Δsim3 double mutants that contained extragenic s im3 resul ted in growth retardat ion. In addi t ion, the Δs im3 mutant displayed sens i t ivi ty to thiabendazol and hydroxyurea, which suggests that Sim3 plays a general role in maintaining chromatin st ructur e . Our resul ts sugges t a possibil i ty that Sim3 funct ions as a histone chaperone.
Fission yeast ( Other)
Histone chaperone ( Other)
Cent romere ( Other)
Asf1 ( Other)
CENP-A ( Other)
Resource Type journal article
the Federation of European Biochemical Societies Edited by: Felix Wieland
Date of Issued 2012-11-30
Publish Type Accepted Manuscript
Access Rights open access
[DOI] 10.1016/j.febslet.2012.10.020
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