松江市南家の化石 : 島根県産軟体動物化石(その1)

島根大学理学部紀要 Volume 14 Page 133-157 published_at 1980-12-20
アクセス数 : 1370
ダウンロード数 : 106

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c0010014r014.pdf 10.7 MB エンバーゴ : 2001-09-29
松江市南家の化石 : 島根県産軟体動物化石(その1)
Fossils from Nange, Matsue City : Molluscan Fossils from Various Localities in Shimane Prefecture(Part 1)
Title Transcription
マツエシ ナンゲ ノ カセキ シマネケン サン ナンタイ ドウブツ カセキ ソノ1
Source Title
Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Shimane University
Volume 14
Start Page 133
End Page 157
Journal Identifire
ISSN 03879925
Many fossils from various localities in Shimane Prefecture have been deposited in the Department of Geology, Shimane University, but most of them yet remains to be examined. Therefore, the serial work was planned by the present author to identify and illustrate the specimens for further studies. As the Part 1 of the work, the fossils from Nange, Matsue City, are examined. From Nange, about 1O species of molluscs were listed by OTUKA (1938) and NOMURA and HATAI (1939) individually, but they were neither described nor illustrated.
Before the examination, I wish to thank Dr. Junji ITOIGAWA Of Nagoya University for his valuable aid in identifying the specimens. A part of this study was supported by the scientific research fund from the Ministry of Education.
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
The Faculty of Science, Shimane University
Date of Issued 1980-12-20
Access Rights open access
[NCID] AN00108106