
島根農科大学研究報告 Volume 9 Page (A-1)58-62- published_at 1961-03-31
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d0020009n010.pdf 606 KB エンバーゴ : 2002-07-10
Sprinkler Irrigation Practices with Grape Vines in Sandy Hill Region
Title Transcription
サキュウチ ノ ブドウジュ ニ タイスル スプリンクラー カンスイ ニツイテ
Watanabe Kazuo
Matsuoka Hiroshi
Source Title
Volume 9
Start Page (A-1)58-62
Journal Identifire
ISSN 05598311
This investigation was designed to know the effects of sprinkler irrigation on 5 years old grape vines (Var. koshu) at Zinzai sandy hill region, Shimane prefecture.
Grape vines were devided into three plots and irrigated by following methods respectively ; By sprinkler over the trellis, By sprinkler under the trellis and By hoses directly on the field.
The results obtained are summarized as follows ;
1) . The growth of current shoot in each plots was scarcely different.
2) . Grapes irrigated directly on the field by hoses produced better fruit in quality by increasing the concentration of colour and sugar content, and lowering the acidity. But grapes irrigated by sprinkler over the trellis produced weighter and longer clusters than the others.
3) . The occurence of Black Pox Disease (Elsinoe ampelina (De Bary) Shear) on leaves was significantly different between three irrigation treatments at 0.1% level of probability from July Ist to August 15th, and grape vines irrigated by sprinkler over the trellis suffered most seriously in all.
4) . With irrigation by sprinkler over the trellis, leaf temperature became low nearly 4℃ on fine day in August.
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
The Shimane Agricultural College
Date of Issued 1961-03-31
Access Rights open access
[NCID] AN00108241
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