Nonlinear error bounds for quasiconvex inequality systems

Optimization letters Volume 11 Issue 1 Page 107-120 published_at 2017-01
アクセス数 : 1176
ダウンロード数 : 86

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optimlett11_1_107.pdf 95.5 KB エンバーゴ : 2018-01-31
Nonlinear error bounds for quasiconvex inequality systems
Source Title
Optimization letters
Volume 11
Issue 1
Start Page 107
End Page 120
Journal Identifire
ISSN 18624472
The error bound is an inequality that restricts the distance from a vector to a given set by a residual function. The error bound has so many useful applications, for example in variational analysis, in convergence analysis of algorithms, in sensitivity analysis, and so on. For convex inequality systems, Lipschitzian error bounds are studied mainly. If an inequality system is not convex, it is difficult to show the existence of a Lipschitzian global error bound in general. Hence for nonconvex inequality systems, Holderian error bounds and nonlinear error bounds have been investigated. For quasiconvex inequality systems, there are so many examples such that systems do not have Lipschitzian and Holderian error bounds. However, the research of nonlinear error bounds for quasiconvex inequality systems have not been investigated yet as far as we know. In this paper, we study nonlinear error bounds for quasiconvex inequality systems. We show the existence of a global nonlinear error bound by a generator of a quasiconvex function and a constraint qualification. We show well-posedness of a quasiconvex function by the error bound.
Nonlinear error bound ( Other)
Quasiconvex inequality system ( Other)
Generator of a quasiconvex ( Other)
function ( Other)
Constraint qualification ( Other)
Well-posedness ( Other)
Resource Type journal article
Date of Issued 2017-01
The final publication is available at Springer via © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015.
Publish Type Accepted Manuscript
Access Rights open access
[DOI] 10.1007/s11590-015-0992-2
[NCID] AA12249544