島根半島洞窟遺跡の研究 : 島根県八束郡美保関町サルガ鼻灯台洞窟遺跡の試掘調査

Laguna : 汽水域研究 Volume 3 Page 117-126 published_at 1996-03
アクセス数 : 1560
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d0070003l014.pdf 6.51 MB エンバーゴ : 2001-10-08
島根半島洞窟遺跡の研究 : 島根県八束郡美保関町サルガ鼻灯台洞窟遺跡の試掘調査
A Study on the Cave Sites at Shimane Peninsula : A Trial Excavation at Sarugahana Todai Cave Site, Mihonoseki town, Yatuka gun, Shimane Prefecture
Title Transcription
シマネ ハントウ ドウクツ イセキ ノ ケンキュウ シマネケン ヤツカグン ミホノセキチョウ サルガハナ トウダイ ドウクツ イセキ ノ シクツ チョウサ
Takehiro Fumiaki
Uchida Ritsuo
Source Title
Laguna : 汽水域研究
Volume 3
Start Page 117
End Page 126
Journal Identifire
ISSN 21852995
  There are many caves along Shimane Peninsula coast, and they are considered the sea caves. Some of them were used by the ancient People for dwellings or other purposes, and remain as the archaeological sites. These cave sites are located facing the coastal line, so it is considered that the ancient People who would use or used the cave sites were influenced by the sea level changes or other environmental changes. And for these reasons, researches of the cave sites contribute to not only archaeological studies but also palaeo-environmental studies and so on.
 With these aims, we carried out a trial excavation at Sarugahana Todai cave site, Mihonoseki town, Yatuka gun, Shimane prefecture, and found archaeological materials of the Jomon period.
cave site
sea cave
Shimane Peninsula
sea level changes
Sarugahana Todai cave site
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Date of Issued 1996-03
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
[NCID] AN10439529