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b001000900k005.pdf 6.2 MB エンバーゴ : 2001-10-08
Plankton and Bottom Deposits of Lake Funazoko-Ike in Skarvs Nes, Antarctica
タイトル 読み
ナンキョク スカルブスネス フナゾコ イケ ノ プランクトン ト コテイ タイセキブツ
秋山 優
島根大学教育学部紀要. 自然科学
Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University. Natural science
開始ページ 29
終了ページ 39
ISSN 05869943
Limnological and ecological studies were made on a high-salt lake Funazoko-ike located in the ice-free region of Skarvs Nes, Antarctica.
1) Chlorinity of waters collected vertically ranges from 13.3-15.6×<10>^4ppm.
2) A noteworthy halophilic alga Dunaliella sp. was found as the only living plankter of this saline lake. The sestonic components of the lake were mainly dead cells, or empty shells of diatoms and Silicoflagellate such as Coscinodisus, Triceratium, Chaetoceras, Corethrom, Diploneis and Distephanus. Moreover a good many of colored, amorphous detritus was found.
3) Two core samples of the lake deposits were collected from the bottom 8 meters below the surface. Microfossils detected from core samples of the lake deposits were almost similar to those of the lake seston, and we could not recognized the vertical differences of species constitution of the core.
4) It seems that the recent lake deposits of lake Funazoko-ike maybe originate from the terrace deposits(marine) distributed around the lake shore, caused by those erosion and redeposition. Namely, i) each value of chlorophyll derivatives, orgainc carbon, and organic nitrogen in recent deposits is less than that of terrace deposits ; ii) a remarkable lamina structure each laminae composed of the population of a single microfossil was found in terrace deposits, however, we could not detected such a simple structure of laminae in recent lake deposits ; iii) a good deal of dried, dead cells of diatoms containing many pigmented granules or collapsed plastid was regarded in the terrace deposits, and it is possible that those dead cells would be collapsed into empty shells and colored detritus under the suspended sestonic condition in the lake water.
資源タイプ 紀要論文
The Faculty of Education Shimane University
発行日 1975-12-25
アクセス権 オープンアクセス
[NCID] AN00107941