Laguna : 汽水域研究

アクセス数 : 1031
ダウンロード数 : 88
Laguna : 汽水域研究 5 巻
1998-03 発行

インド東海岸平野の地形発達に関する二・三の知見 : コレルーラグーンとクリシュナデルタの形成期をめぐって

Preliminary Note on the Geomorphic Development of the Eastern Coast Plains of the Peninsula India : With Special Reference to the Age of Formation of the Kolleru Lagoon and the Krishuna Delta
貞方 昇
K. Nageswara Rao
外山 秀一
鹿島 薫
d0070005l028.pdf ( 1.16 MB )
The Kolleru lagoon between the Krishna delta and the Godavari delta was formed as the first beach ridge complex was developed. According to the radio-carbon ages of fossil shells the lagoon was present since nearly 6,300 years ago. The natural levees along the Krishna river was formed within a thousand years. It seems that the formation of the newest beach ridge complex is related with the development of these natural levees.