
Current Issue
.Volume 8
Child Poverty in Semi-mountainous Area : UNNAN study of A City in Shimane prefecture
PP. 1 - 18
Ruby City MATSUE Project to Analyze from the Viewpoint of Area Design
PP. 19 - 36
An analysis of attitudes toward the generation of nuclear power among residents in the neighborhood of reactor facilities
PP. 37 - 46
Development of the documentary novels (jitsuroku)“Akutagawa-Katakiuchi”
PP. 1[150] - 12[139]
The significance of the autobiography-like part seen by “Unyojinbutsushi”of Shiinomoto Kasyuku edit
Yamasaki Masakatsu
PP. 13[138] - 23[128]
Kohitsu (ancient calligraphy) in Tezen Family Archives
PP. 25[126] - 35[116]
“Hyakunin Ikku”- reprint and introduction : Documents of Tezen Family Archives (1)
Sasaki Anri
PP. 37[114] - 49[102]
The memorial collection tribute to Arihide“Tsuizen Hanagesi”:reprint and introduction : A study of Haikai literature in Tezen Family Archives (5)
Ito Yoshitaka
PP. 51[100] - 61[90]
A reprint “Meiwa-Kaji-Sappou-Jitsuroku”
PP. 63[88] - 83[68]
Reprint ; Letters from Wakatsuki Reijirou to Watanabe Kanichirou : 1913-1925
Research Project on Works of Watanabe Kanichiro Yogi Junichi 板垣 貴志 内田 融 大國 由美子 大原 俊二 居石 由樹子 小林 啓治 Kobayashi Naoko 竹永 三男 沼本 龍 本井 優太郎
PP. 85[66] - 104[47], 図版2