.13 巻
PP. -
Relationships among radiocarbon ages, calibrated ages, and pottery-type classification of Middle Jomon pottery from Shimadai campus site
遠部 慎
PP. 1 - 15
A study of burial crystal balls in western Japan during the Yayoi period
平郡 達哉
建神 結香子
PP. 17 - 42
A Study on the spread of iron implements in the Chugoku region during the Yayoi period
PP. 43 - 68
Solutions and Issues of Local Public Transport Problems Using Sharing-Economy
PP. 69 - 86
High School Students’ Attitudes toward Hometown/Urban City and Their Parents’ Family Practices: An Analysis Based on Parent-Child Pair Data in Shimane Prefecture
PP. 87 - 96
PP. 97 - 113
A Study on the Political Situation of Oba Village, Yatsuka district, Shimane prefecture in Meiji Era
森安 章
PP. t1 - t24
PP. t25 - t35
PP. t37 - t50
“Ichimaizuri” ― reprint and introduction; Documents of Tezen Family Archives (5) ―
佐々木 杏里
PP. t51 - t66
The memorial collection tribute to Kokkian-Ichu “Hasuno-Utena”: reprint and introduction ―A study of Haikai literature in Tezen Family Archives(14)―
伊藤 善隆
PP. t67 - t77
Reprinting and bibliography “Saifu-syu 2 henryou” possession of Municipal Yonago Historical-Museum
渡邊 健
PP. t79 - t97
Reprint ; Diary of Watanabe Kanichirou: 1906
PP. t99 - t113
