
アクセス数 : 1273
ダウンロード数 : 225
山陰研究 Volume 12
published_at 2019-12-31


Study Notes “Kashima Shigeyoshi-kasyu”
渡邊 健
山陰歴史館蔵『無題歌合集』について ( 2.81 MB )
This paper will describe the result of survey and study on “Mudai utaawase-syu” owned by Municipal Yonago Historical-Museum.This book, which was formerly possessed by Kashima Tsuneo, has been pointed out that it is an important literal material as for grasping the substance of the activity of Yonago poetry circle in the end of the Edo era.
This book is a manuscript which compiles 20 times of poetry parties or poetry contests held in Kashima family from 1853 to 1855, and it contains more than 1,000 poems. From 2016 “Study group for ancient documents in National Institute of Technology, Yonago College” which the author belongs to, advanced the deciphering this book, and recently the work was fi nished. In this paper, based on the achievement of this work, the author attempted to analyze the activities such as poetry parties or poetry contests held in the Kashima family dividing them into three terms, and made a fundamental research and study on the attributes of the participating poets and the situation of their activities.