島根大学論集. 社会科学

島根大学論集. 社会科学
.2 巻
Uji in Civil Law and Curriculum Vitae Law
池永 益夫
PP. 1 - 10
On Kalecki's Theory of Economic Dynamics
児玉 元平
PP. 11 - 25
Peasant Communities and Utopian Socialism in Russia in the Middle of the XIX Century (N.G.Chernyshevsky)
中村 義知
PP. 26 - 40
Punishment nad Social Structure
竹内 正
PP. 41 - 56
W, W. Cooks Theory on Private International Law
三浦 正人
PP. 57 - 70
The Political Character of the German Idealism(2)
山田 政治
PP. 71 - 82
A Note on the Interest-bearing Capital
深貝 善太郎
PP. 83 - 97
The Issue and Control of Stocks and Bonds : with Emphasis on Public Utilities
福井 喬
PP. 98 - 113
Au Introduction to the Methodology of Private Law
池田 耕三
PP. 114 - 125
Land Possession and Land Utilization : The Iwano Adjustment of Arable Land in Shimane
深田 喜美恵
PP. 126 - 139
Introduction to the Methodology of Political Geography about International Community
池田 善昭
PP. 1 - 16
PP. 0 -