島根大学論集. 社会科学

島根大学論集. 社会科学
.1 巻
The career of the modern theories of the crirninal law(
竹内 正
PP. 1 - 20
On the inclination of modern adoption and the actual circumstances of adoption in Shimane Prefecture
池永 益夫
PP. 21 - 28
The political character of the German Idealism(I)
山田 政治
PP. 29 - 42
On the relation between the development of Federal System in USSR and its theories of nation
中村 義知
PP. 43 - 59
PP. 60 - 75
On the Land Surveying in Matsue Han (Feudal Estate) and a Sphere of Structure of Later Feudal Villages
岩成 博
PP. 76 - 90
The Process of Transformation of Fishing Villages
山岡 栄市
PP. 91 - 111
On the Ideal Output
児玉 元平
PP. 112 - 124
Fictitious Capital and Real Capital
深貝 善太郎
PP. 125 - 134
PP. 0 -