池田 善昭
島根大学論集. 社会科学
.5 巻
PP. 1 - 11
The Development of Land-Improvement in the Nogi District
深田 喜美恵
PP. 12 - 26
PP. 27 - 33
Commodity Production and the Land-ownership in the later Tokugawa Period (The Special Issue of Survey on Hikawa Village)
岩成 博
PP. 34 - 52
Management of a Farmer's Co-operative in the Rice Crop Area : The Case in Hisagi Area,Hikawa Village (The Special Issue of Survey on Hikawa Village)
勝部 邦夫
PP. 53 - 72
Land Reform and Rural Movement (The Special Issue of Survey on Hikawa Village)
内藤 正中
PP. 73 - 87
The Transformation of the Social Attitides of Farmers (The Special Issue of Survey on Hikawa Village)
山岡 栄市
PP. 88 - 104