秋山 優
島根大学教育学部紀要. 自然科学
.19 巻
Biogeographic distribution of freshwater algae in Antarctia, and specialreference to the occurrence of an endemic species of Oedogonium
PP. 1 - 15
Some notes on the slope faliure in Iwami district : From the result of survey on the calalmity by the heavy rain of Baiu front in July, l983
三浦 清
PP. 17 - 27
Effect of Cation Vacancy on the Spectra of <Sn>^<2+>-Centers in Alkali Halides(I) : Unrelaxed Excited States
神志那 良雄
PP. 29 - 35
PP. 37 - 50
On the permanence of silk fibers for washing : Folding endurance in wet conditions
錦織 禎徳
藤井 明
磯部 美津子
PP. 51 - 55