島根大学教育学部紀要. 自然科学

Current Issue
Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University. Natural science
.Volume 19
Biogeographic distribution of freshwater algae in Antarctia, and specialreference to the occurrence of an endemic species of Oedogonium
Akiyama Masaru
PP. 1 - 15
Some notes on the slope faliure in Iwami district : From the result of survey on the calalmity by the heavy rain of Baiu front in July, l983
Miura Kiyoshi
PP. 17 - 27
Effect of Cation Vacancy on the Spectra of <Sn>^<2+>-Centers in Alkali Halides(I) : Unrelaxed Excited States
Kamishina Yoshio
PP. 29 - 35
Longitudinal Vibration of Plucked Rubber String
Takahashi Masakazu Furukawa Akinobu
PP. 37 - 50
On the permanence of silk fibers for washing : Folding endurance in wet conditions
Nishikori Sadanori Fujii Akira Isobe Mitsuko
PP. 51 - 55