
アクセス数 : 1802
ダウンロード数 : 350
島根大学生涯学習教育研究センター研究紀要 6 巻
2009-03 発行


Effects of Dietary Education Focusing on School Lunch of Elementary School
渡邊 千陽
b008006003.pdf ( 839 KB )
There is a growing need to improve school children's management-ability in dietary life. In response to this need, dietary education focusing on school lunch of elementary school has been practiced. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects dietary education focusing on school lunch. The results are as follows:
The school children favored to eat the school lunch made of sweet potato cultivated in Shimane Universities Farm. When they were eating school lunch, they heard lecture of how to cultivate sweet potato and nutrition and things. The lecture was recognized to give good evaluations for school lunch.