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島根大学総合理工学部紀要.シリーズA 34
2000-12-24 発行


Safe Dynamics and Distributed Programming
藤田 憲悦
For distributed programming, we introduce the notion of safe dynamics with dynamic types into MLlike functional programming language. The notion of dynamic types is here parametenzed with a set of monotypes, called a kind. The kind means an inductively defined set of monotypes. Hence, type case (dynamic type dispatch) mechanism can be naturally obtained as a recursive program over types, a la MartinLof, via an elimination rule for the inductively defined kinds. From a viewpoint of client-server programming, dynamic types under a constraint of the kinds provide a well-connected condition between a server and a client, with respect to types. Moreover, this point makes it possible to statically check dynamic types, such as ML-programs. A prototype of the system, called SDS (Safe Dynamics for Statically typed functional programming language), has been implemented by using C-language.