The purpose of this paper is to clarify the characteristics of career orientation of the
re-employed nurses. From April to July on 2013, questionnaire survey was conducted against the
nurses of the middle class hospitals in the Chugoku Region of Japan. 107 re-employed nurse data and
120 continued nurse data were compared. On the twenties, percentage of nurses oriented service and
contribution to society was what the former was 23% and the latter was 46%, showed significant
difference between the two. On the thirties, it was not showed significant difference between the two.
Over the forties were indicated that 58% of the re-employed nurses and 31% of nurses are continuing
to work toward service and contribution to society, and showed significant difference between the
two. In addition, 23% of the re-employed nurses and, 61% of nurses are continuing to work was
oriented security and stability, showed significant difference between the two. Career-oriented change
is predicted by age, so it was suggested that a proper career management should be carried out in the
manner of fitting the background of each person at the milestone of a career.
る。2013 年4~7月に、中国地方の200 床以上の病院の看護師を対象に質問紙調査を実施した。
107 名の再就職者と120 名の継続就労者のデータを比較した。年代別にみると、20 代は「奉仕と
社会貢献」志向の再就職者が23%、就労継続者46%であり、有意差が認められた。30 代は両者と
も「保障と安定」志向が約60%、「奉仕と社会貢献」志向が約30%であり差はなかった。40 代以