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島根大学農学部研究報告 19
1985-12-20 発行

水稲日本晴に現われた変異の検討(その3) : 開花・開葯・受粉過程

On Anomalous Segregation of Culm Length and Heading Time Observed in the Rice Variety "Nipponbare"(III) : The Relationship between the Outcrossing and Flowering, Anther dehiscence, and Pollination Processes
今木 正
For the ricevariety "Nipponbare" , the number of shed pollen grains on a stigma and the number of pollen grains per anther before anthesis were significantly smaller than the other 3 to 11 varieties tested.
And the delaying of an anther dehiscence, many remained pollen grains in an anther after blooming, and long blooming duration were often observed in the variety "Nipponbare".
These results suggest that the high percentage of the outcrossing in "Nipponbare" is correlated to the disturbed processes of anther dehiscence or pollen shedding.