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島根大学農学部研究報告 19
1985-12-20 発行


Height curve derived from the theory of column buckling
山本 充男
A kind of the height-diameter curve equation was derived from the theory of column
buckling. The mathematical expression of the hieght curve is
H = aD^^^<2/3>
where H : height
D : diameter
a : constant.
Since this equation consists of only one constant, the curve expressed by this equation
is not flexible but stable.
The applicability of this equation was examined by applied it to the observed heightdiameter
relationships. The goodness of fit of this equation was good enough for use in
comparison with following existing 6 height curve equations.
Allometric equation H = aD^b
Naslund equation H = <(D/(a+bD))>^^^2 + 1.2
Modified Naslund eq. H = <(D/(a+bD))>^^^2
Inverse equation H = D/(a+bD)
Henricksen equation H = a + b log D
Linear regression H = a + bD
where H : height
D : diameter
a,b : constants.