

result 14772 件

Author Takeda, Kenji/
Journal Title 懐徳堂研究
Volume 9
Published Date 2018-02-28
NII Type Journal Article
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Author Takeda, Kenji/
Journal Title 懐徳堂研究
Volume 7
Published Date 2016-02-29
NII Type Journal Article
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Author Takeda, Kenji/
Journal Title 中国研究集刊
Volume 64
Published Date 2018-06
NII Type Journal Article
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Author Takeda, Kenji/
Journal Title 中国研究集刊
Volume 63
Published Date 2017-06
NII Type Journal Article
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Author Takeda, Kenji/
Journal Title 中国研究集刊
Volume 60
Published Date 2015-06-30
NII Type Journal Article
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Author Takeda, Kenji/
Journal Title 中國出土資料研究
Volume 19
Published Date 2015-3
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF
Author MAKINOSE, Yuki/ ASAKURA, Daisuke/ MATSUDA, Hirofumi/ HOSONO, Eiji/
Journal Title Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan
Volume 126
Issue 8
Published Date 2018-8-1
NII Type Journal Article
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Author Asada, Kentaro/
Journal Title 広島大学国語国文学会
Volume 192-193
Published Date 2007-03-31
NII Type Journal Article
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Author OKA, Kazuyuki/ 原 卓也/ 金 泰秀/ 安田 唯人/ 藤原 大悟/ 間 崇史/ 渕上 貴正/ 佐々木 妙子/ 山本 奈緒/ 濱上 知宏/ 杉野 貴彦/ 藤崎 修/ 中嶋 麻里/ 前山 博輝/ 吉岡 崇/ 松井 大作/ 番匠谷 友紀/ 星野 あつみ/ 門馬 秀介/ 蕪木 友則/ 永嶋 太/ 小林 誠人/
Journal Title Japanese Journal of Acute Care Surgery (JJACS)
Volume 6
Issue 1
Published Date 2016
NII Type Journal Article
Author WATANABE, Hiroaki/ HIRA, Eiji/ Nakao, Shota/ Idoguchi, Koji/ Mizushima, Yasuaki/ Matsuoka, Tetsuya/
Journal Title 日本外科学会雑誌
Volume 118
Issue 5
Published Date 2017
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF
Author Notsu, Masakazu/ Kanazawa, Ippei/ Tanaka, Sayuri/ Sugimoto, Toshitsugu/
Journal Title Osteoporosis japan
Volume 23
Issue 1
Published Date 2015
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF
Author Notsu, Masakazu/ Kanazawa, Ippei/ Tanaka, Sayuri/ Sugimoto, Toshitsugu/
Journal Title Osteoporosis japan
Volume 22
Issue 4
Published Date 2014
NII Type Journal Article
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Attribute Current English Studies
Author TAKENAKA, Yuuki/
Journal Title Current English Studies
Volume 46
Published Date 2017-09
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF
Author Matsumoto, Toshikazu/ Yamamoto, Shin-ichi/ Fukui, Kuniaki/ Rafique, Tariq/ Engelmann, Florent/ Niino, Takao/
Journal Title The Horticulture Journal Preview
Volume 84
Published Date 2015
NII Type Journal Article
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Journal Title ラフカディオハーン研究会ニューズレター
Volume 5
Published Date 2016-11-15
NII Type Article
Format PDF
Author TAKENAKA, Yuuki/
Journal Title Journal of English language and culture studies
Volume 33
Published Date 2019-03
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF
Author TAKENAKA, Yuuki/
Journal Title Journal of English language and culture studies
Volume 32
Published Date 2018-03
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF
Author TAKENAKA, Yuuki/
Journal Title Journal of English language and culture studies
Volume 30
Published Date 2018-03
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF
Author TAKENAKA, Yuuki/
Journal Title Journal of English language and culture studies
Volume 30
Published Date 2017-09
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF
Author TAKENAKA, Yuuki/
Journal Title Journal of English language and culture studies
Volume 29
Published Date 2017-03
NII Type Journal Article
Format PDF