Geological reports of Shimane University

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Geological reports of Shimane University 11
1992-07-30 発行

島根県大田市北部の中期中新世のチャート礫より産出したトリアス紀新世 : ジュラ紀古世放散虫

Late Triassic-Eady Jurassic Radiolarians from chert pebbles of the Middle Miocene in northem part of Ooda City, Shimane Prefecture, Japan
Umeda, Masaki
Kugimiya, Yasuo
Late Triassic-Early Jurassic radiolarians have been obtained from red chert pebbles of the Middle Miocene in eastem part of Shimane Prefecture,Japan.
These fossils are assignable to the Triassocampe deweveri and T. nova to Parahsuum simplum Assembleges which have been reported from bedded chert embedded in the Jurassicmelange of Southwest Japan.
Dominant occurrence of these radiolarian bearing red bedded cherts is restricted in Kanoashi rock of the Nichihara area and Mino Terrane or further north,possible Nadanhada-Westem-Sihotealin Terrane.