Studies of san'in region

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Studies of san'in region 6
2013-12-31 発行

季硯句集『松葉日記』 : 手錢記念館所蔵俳諧資料(一)

”Shoyo-nikki” by Kiken : reprint and intoroduction : a study of Haikai literature in Tezen family archive (1)
Ito, Yoshitaka Shohoku College
“Shoyo−nikki”owned by Tezen Museum is a collection of haikai poems by Kiken. Kiken was the third family head of the Tezen family. And he was one of the most important haikai poets in Taisha area. In Taisha, haikai poets had inherited the teaching of Kyorai, which was introduced by Byakura. And they coexist with Minoha−haikai poets in Mitoya. That is feature of them.