Studies of san'in region

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Studies of san'in region 5
2012-12-31 発行

朝鮮総督府統治下の医師養成と中国大陸における従軍医療の実態 : 戦後の離島医療を担ったある医師の聞き書き(1)

The Medical Education under the Government-General of Chosen and An Activity Army Medical Officers in China : The Oral History of a Certain Doctor (1)
Seki, Kohei Faculty of Law and Literature, Shimane University
Hashimoto, Takahiko Ritsumeikan University
This paper is a record of Oral History from a certain doctor. This paper intends to clarify the current status of medical activities in Mainland China around 1945 and the training of doctors under the Government-General of Chosen.