Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University. Educational science

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Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University. Educational science 8
1974-12-25 発行

子どもの重量概念の形成について(その2) : 種々の重量の考え方

Forming of the Concept of the Weight in Children(Part 2) : Various Thinking of Weight
Itoh, Yoshiki
Iwanari, Nobuko
Kamoto, Atsuo
We had a study on the various unsufficient and incorrect thinking of children before they get colect concept of weight in future. We made the movement of mean deyelopment with their age clear by using graphs concerning the findings.
The concept of our investigation are as follows.
1. Thinking of variable of weight by hight.
2. Discrimination between moment of force and weight.
3. Discrimination between weight and dencity.
4. Conservation of weight by the outward form and size.
5. Conservation of weight solution and solute in solving.
6. Weight of lightest object.
7. The others.
We consolidated and analyzed the above data and made our conclusion about general weight thinking of children.