Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University. Educational science

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Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University. Educational science 26
1992-12-25 発行


The Development of Criteria of Aesthetic Judgement and Special Education(I)
Nishi, Nobutaka
Ikeuchi, Itsuro
Psychological Approach on Aesthetic Judgement to find what is a criteria of Aesthetic Judgement. What is beauty and how are we to measure it in view of personal tastes and values? A question of considerab1e importance in the literature on beauty concerns the origins of these preferences for individuals. Several researchers have examined this question and found, for example, that adults and children use similar standards in evaluating the attractiveness of others. The evidence from several facil studies tells us something about the concept of beauty; it ressures us that although there is some variation in tastes, beauty is by no means entirely in the eye of the beholder.
In addition to approach on the evidence from ethological and neurological studies tells us facial cognition and facial preferences. Also we discuss cultural or environmental in infuences on perceptual cognitive differences.
Based on the evidence in this area we have concluded that it is not appropriate to apply major theories of artistic growth to the development of general aesthetic judgement.
Also,we have concluded that aesthetic judgement for natural thing, such as landscapes,human faces,are probably shaped innately.