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島根農科大学研究報告 13
1965-01-10 発行

中海干拓防潮水門の水理模型実験(II) : 淡・塩水における水門の水理予備実験

Hydraulic Model Study on the Tide-gate of Nakaumi Sea Reclamation(II) : Preliminary Model Experiment of Tide-gate in the Fresh-salt Water
Suezawa, Yosiyasu
Toyokuni, Eiji
Kuwano, Sadami
Sawada, Tosio
Minami, Isao
Takasu, Tosiyuki
Otuka, Tadao
A number of hydraulic model experiments, to clarify the value of the discharge coefficient through tide-gates in the fresh water, were carried out, and the expected results were obtained and shown in the previous paper.
Then, a series of hydraulic experiments in the fresh-salt water, changing according to the amount of water discharge or the difference of water level, were projected, but by the apparatus which had been used in the previous experiments with fresh water, no satisfactory results could be obtained.
This report deals with these unfinished experiments which will be a preliminary experiment of a future study.